Wednesday, January 1, 2014

OK sits the Bench...

“OK Sits the Bench…”

My daughter Gloria and my son Michael were both fortunate enough to make their respective junior high basketball teams.  As a former player, it was great to see them enjoy the game and have the responsibility of representing their school through sports. However, growing up in the “selfie taking, look at me, I’m awesome” generation, they received a bit of a rude awakening.  They made the team, but they were relegated to the bench.  At times they seemed to have been permanently stuck there. I know the feeling. In High School, I played left bench, right bench and middle bench. I did it quite well. They began to get frustrated at the lack of playing time because they felt they had done all the right things during practice and off the court. They felt left behind.

When I asked them to give me a realistic assessment of their skills, they both said they were “OK.” Proud that they could recognize their situations at a young age, I merely said to them, “OK sits the bench.” “Good gets off the bench.” “Great plays the game.” They were getting frustrated because they were. expecting a “good” amount of playing time for “OK” skill.  When the opportunity was available, they had not prepared themselves sufficiently for success. While others were working on their shot, or dribbling, or defense, my children made other choices.

Preparation is the first step to achieving. The apple farmer can't embark on the journey to grow apples without a plan. She can't engage without the right tools. She can't excel without the right elements in place. She may have soil, but if she does not plow it will not be ready to receive seed. If she does not gather the fertilizer, the seed may not grow. If she does not have a storage barn, she cannot receive the harvest. Without preparation there is no success.

As we begin the first part of the year, are we taking a realistic look at our situations? Are we thinking we are awesome when we know that we are just OK. Understanding our current positions allows us to properly plan and prepare for our next growth. You see, being ok is just the beginning. Building and Developing means that we are striving daily to become better.

Are you still sitting on the bench? Are you tired of riding the pine? Are you ready to get into the game? Then it is time to put your plan together, take the little actions steps necessary for growth, and move down the court. “OK sits the bench.” “Good gets off the bench.” “Great plays the game.” Victory tastes sweet, because preparation takes time.

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