Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Dream Big, Dream Often

Have you ever noticed that children have the greatest imagination in the world?  What is just an ordinary box to us, is a car, a fort, a jet ski, a swimming pool and more to a child. There imagination can go on and on.

Children are great because they posses a great sense of wonder and amazement.  They always know exactly how to DREAM:  They Dream Big and They Dream Often. When children dream of ice cream, they dream of the whole world made of ice cream not just an ice cream cone.  When it comes to dreaming about themselves they always DREAM of success.  More often than not, you’ll find a child dreams of winning the Super Bowl,  being first-place in a race or being the best at whatever they are interested in at the moment.   When things go wrong, they call "Do Over" and work at it until they make it right.  They live their dream out everyday through their imaginations.  

Childhood is great for that reason.  As adults we lose some of the childhood wonder because we are conditioned over time or jaded by negative experiences which damage our ability to dream.  This conditioning pushes us to the unhealthy acceptance that our Dreams can’t come true.  We begin to live our lives in the daily rut.  Farmers use the plow to create ruts in the ground.  Within these ruts they plant the seeds for the development of a crop.  Therefore, the farmer creates ruts in the ground in order to make the dream come true.  Like children we need to Dream Big and Dream Often. We need to look for opportunities to make our dreams come true. Like Farmers, we need to use the rut to plant the seeds for the next success.  

Are you living your Dream? or have you let the Dream escape?  When we lose sight of our Dream our lives become stagnant, uneventful and dull.  However, when we keep our dreams in sight hope abounds and possibilities are endless. As we end our summer of fun and sun and head into the cold and gray skies of autumn and winter, the question one must answer is:  Are you in a rut or creating one?


Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Austin William Campbell. Today he turns 16 years old. He is also the first born..."the gift that keeps on giving" of Rodger Campbell. When he was younger, he told us, that he is taking over The BAD BAD Apples when we "expired."

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Podium vs. Lectern

As speakers we are known for constantly moving around the stage or the rooms we "perform" in. We feel our movement allows us to engage audiences. We don't like to be confined to a small area.

We are often asked by the groups that contract us if we would like podium during our speeches and presentations. We politely respond no. The funny thing is, asking us if we would like use a podium is a common misunderstanding of the word. Many people think the word podium refers to what a lectern really is.

Click the link below to learn what a podium really is. We like to sharing fun facts and information with people with our blogs and our shows. We also like to make sure things are clearly communicated so "issues" don't arise. The next time someone asks you to give a speech and asks if you would like a podium, be sure they know what a podium is. You may expect one thing while they give you something you were no expecting.

Frank and Rodger

Difference between a Podium and a Lectern

Monday, February 3, 2014

Quote of the Month

"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are."

John Wooden

What are you doing to Build And Develop your character. Do you practice what you preach? Do you do what you say? Make time to Build And Develop yourself as an individual of charter and be sure you do things to teach others how to Build And Develop their character too.

Have a great month!

Frank and Rodger